Tani Modi’s “Kisses and Hugs”: A Simple Gesture to Feed Children in Africa

Tani Modi’s “Kisses and Hugs”: A Simple Gesture to Feed Children in Africa

At Tani Modi, we believe that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference. That’s why we’re proud to introduce our “Kisses and Hugs” initiative, a special item on our menu that allows you to contribute to a cause close to our hearts. For just £2, you can purchase “Kisses and Hugs” and help feed a child in Africa for an entire week, in partnership with Nohungrychildren.org.

Nohungrychildren.org is a remarkable organization dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children in need across Africa. According to their mission, £2 is all it takes to feed a child for a whole week. This simple yet impactful initiative ensures that children who might otherwise go hungry receive the nourishment they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

When you visit Tani Modi, you’ll see “Kisses and Hugs” on our menu. By choosing to add this to your order, you’re not only enjoying our delicious food and drinks but also playing a part in making the world a better place. Your £2 contribution goes directly to Nohungrychildren.org, helping to provide vital meals to children who need them the most.

We encourage all our customers to consider purchasing “Kisses and Hugs” when they visit. It’s a small gesture that has the power to create a significant impact. Whether you’re stopping by for breakfast, lunch, or just a coffee, adding “Kisses and Hugs” to your order is a simple way to make a difference.

At Tani Modi, we’re committed to giving back to the community, both locally and globally. The “Kisses and Hugs” initiative is our way of extending the love and care we put into our food to those who need it most. Together with Nohungrychildren.org, we can help ensure that no child goes hungry.

Next time you visit Tani Modi, please consider adding “Kisses and Hugs” to your order. Your £2 could be the difference between hunger and hope for a child in Africa. Thank you for joining us in this important cause—let’s spread love and kindness, one meal at a time.

103 Hanover Street, EH2 1 DJ

12pm - 10pm
12pm - 11pm

For reservation

+1-123 456 7890
+1-123 456 7891